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The Bad Plus

The Dakota 1010 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis

The Bad Plus

The Bad Plus

The Dakota 1010 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis

The Bad Plus

Robert Glasper

The Dakota 1010 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis

Robert Glasper

Robert Glasper

The Dakota 1010 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis

Robert Glasper

Robert Glasper

The Dakota 1010 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis

Robert Glasper

Rebirth Brass Band

The Dakota 1010 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis

From New Orleans, the Rebirth Brass Band

The Headhunters

The Dakota 1010 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis

The Headhunters

Cecile McLorin Salvant

The Dakota 1010 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis

Vocalist Cecile McLorin Salvant and her band

Early Evening Jazz: Sonic Dream

Berlin 204 North First Street, Minneapolis

Sonic Dream is known for its "hip retooling" (Star Tribune) of pop songs by artists from Elvis to Dua Lipa. They have been called “fabulous...one of the Twin Cities' best” […]

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